The purpose of this project was to analyze the literature on chip-off forensics, learn the technique without attending an expensive class, and produce a thorough guide for fellow digital forensic investigators. At the most basic level, chip-off forensics is the process of removing a memory chip from a circuit board and reading the data from it. The technique is an advanced form of mobile device forensics and can be utilized in some of the most challenging mobile devices cases. It is often referred to as a last resort technique, as it is a highly destructive process, however; in some cases, chip-off forensics is the only option for data recovery. This project was completed with the help of research papers and other online resources that created a baseline of information and techniques for carrying out chip-off forensics. Tools and mobile devices were purchased to be tested with the intention of successfully completing the chip-off and determining the best possible techniques. It is important to note that chip-off forensics is not immune to encryption or errors, which leaves the industry open to make modifications to traditional chip-off forensics and create new methods.

I graduated from Champlain College in May 2017 with a degree in Computer and Digital Forensics. I dedicated my senior "Capstone" project to chip-off forensics. In my time at Champlain College, I was heavily involved in digital forensics research on Internet of Things devices at the Senator Patrick Leahy Center for Digital Investigations. I will soon begin my professional career as a consultant within the industry and hope to get involved in law enforcement in the future.